Methods for sharing files externally
After you have received approval to share files external to IU, understanding the classification and sensitivity of the data is important when selecting an appropriate storage solution or transmission method for sharing files with a third party. For restricted or critical data, here’s a few suggestions:
- Follow the guidance you receive from the UISO, the Data Stewards, or the SecureMyResearch team when dealing with research data involving PHI.
- Work with your IT People to ensure you are selecting the best transmission option to securely transfer the data.
- If you are collaborating with colleagues at other institutions, a few common collaboration options for sharing data include Microsoft at IU, Google at IU, and Secure Share (replacing Slashtmp Critical). To request a storage location for sharing files with external collaborators complete an Institutional Storage request form.
For other questions about how to share data with third parties in compliance with IU policy, contact